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Thursday, March 5, 2009

Broadband Services - Redefine The Access to Internet

Broadband services are the best option to access the Internet at a very high speed Internet. In simple terms, Internet connection to enjoy high speed access and and downloads for some flat monthly charges. Competition is always in the interest of the buyers as they can get cheap and best broadband deals. It is because of this competition that various service providers are forced to provide competitive and cheap services and it is delighting the service seekers all across the world and the sale of broadband is picking up very fast.

Some people may not be clear about how the broadband connects but it is very simple. People can connect to the Internet, just by using a connection via existing telephone line or cable TV line, you can also have broadband access through technologies like wireless radio, power line and satellite.

There are lot of broadband suppliers in the global market and they have various cheap and best services for you. Some of these are also giving special offers like free calls, free Wi-Fi, modem, email or anti-virus as extras. So, this is a win-win situation for both users as well as broadband service providers. Get this fast Internet service and save your money.

Some of the big names in the list of broadband providers are British Telecom, 3 mobile broadband, Orange,TalkTalk, Toucan, Demon, Tesco, AOL, PlusNet, Direct save telcom, Namesco, Sky, Vodafone, T-mobile phone etc. All these service providers are offering deals with special offers.

So, if you are looking to avail some unique broadband services plus some very attractive offers this year, this is the right time for you when you can get this the cheap broadband connection along with some great offers. Visit the Internet and compare the prices, features, and benefits of each and every brand.

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Sprint Mobile Broadband's Coverage is Great For Road Warriors

"With Mobile Broadband coverage from Sprint, you can harness the power of the nation's largest mobile broadband network. Reaching over 230 million people (with roaming-included areas), service is available in 218 major metro markets and 1,002 airports coast-to-coast"

You + Sprint + Car = Bonnie & Clyde.

Sprint Mobile Broadband will ride a faithful shotgun with you as you cruise the interstates of the star spangled banner. The Sprint Coverage Area has a pretty mean game. For awhile they've run the campaign of being the largest mobile broadband network.

Interestingly enough, those commercials have quietly disappeared since Verizon's aggressively upgraded infrastructure has merged with Alltel. Nevertheless, mobile broadband coverage is one of the few good things Sprint has going for them. It almost goes without saying that if a carrier can cover interstates they've got major cities and airports under control as well.

For instance, I've personally tested the network on the I-10 from New Orleans to Jacksonville. After 546 miles of rubber meeting the road, I kid you not. It's the real deal. Combine that with recent reports of Sprint beating Verizon & AT&T speed-wise in the "Definitive Coast-To-Coast 3G Data Test" and you've got fierce competition.

While having state-to-state service is good, how does the Sprint coverage area fare in concrete jungles? Pretty darn good. When they decided to make their entire network EVDO Revision A, it was money well-spent on infrastructure. The only places that may be left wanting are very rural areas and high mountains (which coincide at times).

While I could continue to wax poetically about the Bittorrent download speeds of Sprint that rival DSL companies in major cities, the only way to really know if this is for you is to check out Sprint's coverage on your street level and regular destinations.

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How Good is AT&T Wireless Broadband 3G Coverage?

No pretty metaphors for you here. It's not as seamlessly smooth and interwoven as the finest Japanese silk. It's not the robust, reliable, solid as a rock Chevy that'll pull an airplane or whatever the case may be. To be honest...AT&T's 3G coverage is a bit spotty.

To their credit, the map provided is pretty good for users. It can be misleading at first. You start out with this map covered in blue. There's data coverage for as far as the eye can see. Fresh crisp blue open sea for you and your 3G jetski of a phone or broadband card.

Then you enter your street address. Lo and behold it's dark blue there too! Mobile Broadband here we come!

You're waiting for the catch aren't you?

Here it is.

If you look at a map that displays just AT&T mobile broadband coverage in blue, you'll see that only major cities are covered. Everywhere else gets EDGE, which is unbearable slow if you're used to broadband speeds.

AT&T actually says it themselves:

"The AT&T 3G / BroadbandConnect network is currently available in most major metropolitan areas and is expanding rapidly...EDGE is AT&T's national wireless high-speed data network available in over 13,000 cities and towns and along nearly 40,000 miles of highway. "

That's them putting it nicely. In other words, it's not in a lot of places but you can get EDGE just about anywhere. It's true. They just don't tell you the snail's pace that EDGE moves at.

The Verdict:
AT&T Wireless Broadband coverage is okay. Definitely not phenomenal. Considering the huge load of I-Phones flooding their network, they need to up their infrastructure in the mobile broadband department in 2009. If you live in an urban area you'll most likely be covered.

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