AOL Wireless Internet
Seeking information on AOL wireless Internet services? If the answer to the question is yes, the AOL official website is one of the best places to do your search for that information, then. In checking out the AOL official website, I came across some background information that might be helpful to people interested in finding out about AOL wireless Internet. First of all, most everyone knows that AOL was one of the front runners in the dial-up Internet marketplace. When wireless then came into the marketplace, AOL did jump right on the bandwagon and began structuring their wireless operations in the early part of 2000 when it formed a partnership with AT&T Wireless to provide flat-rate data services for email, calendars, and other features with the institution of the Pocketnet Services plan, which was the catalyst for the AOL Anywhere strategy.
In 2000, AOL had two worldwide Internet services, which included CompuServe along with AOL Internet services. AOL has since partnered with companies, such as VoiceStream, to provide streaming wireless Internet services. AOL now provides wireless broadband Internet services around the world, including the United Kingdom, with programs such as the Broadband Platinum package, which allows home networking for their broadband wireless customers, as well as supplying those wireless Internet customers with a free wireless router.
In 2005, AOL acquired two companies, XDrive and Wildseed, into their AOL Wireless division, and began utilizing SmartSkin interactive accessories produced by Wildseed.
For further information on AOL wireless Internet services, see the official website at
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