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Friday, August 14, 2009

Broadband by Satellite - A Wireless Choice

A modern world where total wireless connectivity may seem like it's just around the corner, yet there are some things that rely on that old copper wire or fiber optics. Yet other towns across the US may probably never heard of it and the closest thing they have is dial-up.

Broadband by satellite has been around for a few years, yet only recently it has been making its way into most homes in the US. Unlike WiFi, which still rely on a modem connected to a line and to a wireless router, high-speed broadband by satellite can be done even without the presence of phone lines.

The technology works similar to cellphones, only the main transmitter is about a few thousand miles up in space. A dish is installed on the roof to receive the connection and connected to the computer or wireless router and that's it. Fees may vary depending on the provider, where some might offer free installation of the dish and cheap rates.

As for speeds, bear in mind that broadband by satellite is not as fast as DSL or cable, yet definitely faster than dial-up. Sometimes, certain interference may occur, especially in the presence of sunspots that emit electromagnetic waves that interrupt signals. And in the event of a power failure, then goes the connection entirely.

Rather than having to drive to the nearest library, WiFi hotspot, or where internet coverage is out of reach, broadband by satellite is the next best thing to keep connected even from the most remote place in the country.


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