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Thursday, August 14, 2008

Find Out If An Email Address Is A Spam Email

Spam email is everywhere. Despite things like blacklists and email filters, everyone gets them now and again, if not on a daily basis. In some cases, hundreds can land in an email account in one day. It's annoying and sometimes it is hard to tell if an email is one that you asked for, or if it is spam. You may have signed up for special offers from your favorite retailer, but you may get spam that looks like the real thing. Here are some ways to tell the difference.

Some unsolicited emails are obvious. You may receive something asking you if you would like various parts of your body enlarged. You may get something offering to sell you fake Rolexes, or perhaps timeshares. These are obviously Spam and can be deleted or marked as such to alert your service provider. Others, however, are not quite as obvious. You have to know where to look.

You can start by looking at the To: field. You will see your email address there, but you may see more. When you get spam, in some cases, it is sent to many people at once. You will see email addresses that are very similar to yours included in the to: field. That is a good sign you should delete. You can also look at the email address. A legitimate email from a real company will have that company name in the address. They will never use Hotmail or Yahoo to send you a message.

Another clue that you are dealing with a spam email address is when the address is funny looking. The part after @ may not be a real company name, and you may find it does not match the offer in the email. The beginning is not something a company would commonly use either. It may be from You can also be certain that Tony is not a real person and that email should be ignored.

For more information about spam email and what you can do, you should look around for more information. This is a common problem that most Internet users share, so there is a lot of things you can do to detect and report any email that may be spam. There may never be an end to it completely, but there are things you can do to keep yourself safe.
